Task Life Cycle

Snow Owl has been architected to author terminologies in a distributed and collaborative fashion. Users can work in the same location or can be geographically distributed. In order to coordinate the efforts of multiple authors concurrently editing the same ontology, separate tasks can be assigned to them.

Tasks have a lifecycle that spans from their initial creation through an authoring and reviewing stage to their final approval.

Here is a short summary of the different stages in a typical task lifecycle.

  • New task is created – its status is Open. Team members can be assigned.

  • Task is activated. Authoring is enabled after clicking the Start Authoring button.

  • Work is performed. Task status is In progress.

  • Task is sent for review – task status is Resolved as fixed. An author can select reviewers, or reviewers can self-select themselves for tasks that are resolved.

  • Task is reviewed by optional number of reviewers. Changes have to be accepted or rejected.

  • Reviewer either marks the task as Verified, or reopens the task.

  • Task is promoted and can be seen by everyone.

Work scenario in Snow Owl is flexible, so there's no need to pre-define the scenario at the creation of the task. Once the task is created, the team member(s) can be assigned as author and/or reviewer. The reviewer or reviewers can be assigned later as well.

The different steps of the task life cycle are associated with certain task stages and actions that can be performed. The table below gives an overview.

Step in life cycle of task

Task status

Actions that can be performed

Task is created


Assigning task Activating task

Task is assigned


Activate task Start Authoring this action automatically activates the task

Task is activated


Start Authoring

Authoring started – editing is enabled


Stop Authoring

Work is performed on task


Stop AuthoringSend to ReviewerClose

Sent to Reviewer


Approve/Request Changes

Review is submitted


Request another reviewVerify/Return to Author

Another review requested


Approve/Request Changes

Review is submitted


Verify/Return to Author

Task is verified


PromoterReturn to AuthorClose

Task is promoted/closed


Task is automatically inactivated. Modifications are disabled

If the task is returned to the Author, the status changes to IN PROGRESS/OPEN which starts the workflow again.