Module Dependency Reference Set
The Module Dependency Reference Set represents dependencies between different SNOMED CT release modules. In each case, the dependency indicates which target EffectiveTime of each particular module a given source Effective Time of the dependent module requires. Snow Owl supports the import, automatic update, and publication of the Module Dependency Reference Set. When importing new components, Snow Owl validates if all the module dependencies are satisfied. This way, invalid import attempts can be detected and fixed easily.
The Module Dependency Reference Set is a structural Reference Set, that is updated behind the scenes. Module dependencies are not manually editable. A list of the imported structural reference can be found in the unfiltered Reference Set Navigator.
When creating a new module, the Module Dependency Reference Set is automatically updated. The new module will have dependencies on the SNOMED International model component module, as the model components are required for the concept definition. Additional dependencies are calculated based on the components created under this module.