MRCM Domain Reference Sets
MRCM Domain Reference Set enumerates the concept domains to which SNOMED CT attributes may be applied, and provides additional information to support these concept domains.
For each domain in the SNOMED CT concept model, the MRCM Domain Reference Set will contain exactly one member. This Reference Set member will include:
an Expression Constraint that defines the concepts in the domain,
the identifier of the immediate parent domain (or domains),
the domain constraint defined in terms of its proximal primitive concepts and associated mandatory refinements,
a generic Domain Expression Template for both precoordinated and postcoordinated content,
and a reference to the associated guidance that provides additional human-readable text describing this domain.
MRCM Domain type Reference Set member properties:
Referenced component
A reference to the SNOMED CT concept that identifies the relevant concept domain
Domain constraint
An expression constraint, that defines the set of concepts included in the given concept domain
Parent domain constraint
An expression constraint, which represents the set of immediate parent domains
Proximal primitive constraint
Domain constraint defined in terms of its proximal primitive concepts
Proximal primitive refinement
Domain constraint defined in terms of its associated mandatory refinements
Domain template for precoordination/postcoordination
A generic Domain Expression Template for precoordinated postcoordinated content. This template incorporates all of the mandatory attribute domain and range rules for precoordinated SNOMED CT content
Editorial guide reference
A reference to the associated guidance that provides additional human-readable text describing this domain (Optional)