Query Language Examples
Example query
Returns concepts...
*{{active = false}},* Description.active = true,term = match : "O/E"
Returns inactive concepts that have at least one active description that contains the term O/E
*{{Description.active = false,term = match : "NOS"}}
Returns concepts that have at least one inactive description that contains the term NOS
<<128927009|Procedure by method|{{term = match : "incision", typeId = <<900000000000013009|Synonym|}}
Returns concepts that have at least one synonym type description that contains the term incision
. So this query does not return the concept 118630004|Division|
which has incision
in its Definition type description only.
*{{term = match : "Haemorrhage", languageRefSetId = 900000000000509007|US English|}}
Returns concepts that have at least one description that contains the term Haemorrhage
and that description is referenced in the US English Language Reference Set. So this query does not return the concept 50960005| Hemorrhage (morphologic abnormality)
since it doesn't have any description referenced in the US English Language Reference Set that contains the term Haemorrhage
< 404684003|Clinical finding|: 363698007|Finding site|= << 5665001|Retinal structure|{{acceptableIn = 900000000000509007|US English|,(term = match : "color" OR term = match : "colour")}}
Returns concepts that have at least one description that contains the term color
or colour
, and that description acceptable in the US English Language Reference Set.
< 404684003|Clinical finding| : 363698007|Finding site|= << 5665001|Retinal structure|{{preferredIn = 900000000000509007|US English|,(term = match : "color" OR term = match : "colour")}}
Returns concepts that have at least one description that contains the term color
or colour
, and that description preferred in the US English language reference set.
term = regex :
*{{term = regex : ".*
Returns concepts that have at least one description that contains the term sorbi
at any part of a word. So the query returns the concept 19839007|Sorbitol (substance)|
and 386853004|Isosorbide (substance)|
as well.
term = match :
*{{term = match : "
Returns concepts that have at least one description that contains a word starting with the sorbi
. So the query returns the concept 19839007|Sorbitol (substance)|
but does not return 386853004|Isosorbide (substance)|
term = exact :
*{{term = exact : "
Returns concepts that have at least one descriptions that contain the exact phrase sorbitol