MRCM attribute range definitions are visualized on the right-hand side of the editor under the Ranges tab. When this tab is selected it will display the attribute range member(s) corresponding to the current attribute selection.
The Add new range member action is only enabled for attributes in the Concept model object attribute hierarchy that don't yet have an MRCM attribute range member in the current module scope.
The range constraint field allows you to specify any valid ECL expression defining acceptable values for the current attribute selection.
Rule strength and content type can be specified as well. These two fields are auto-filled with the most frequently used values.
Rule strength and content type settings serve as guidance and do not factor into validation.
You can remove a range member from your extension using the Remove range member action in the top right corner of the range member section. Released members will be inactivated, unpublished members will be removed by this action. This action will inactivate released members and remove unpublished members
You can only remove/inactivate range members if they are in your extension's module.
We limit allowed range members to one per attribute, but you may find multiple range definitions in the international MRCM attribute range reference set for different content types.
Once created you can still adjust the range members in your extension under the Ranges tab.
You can add a new range member by using the Add new range member button in the top right corner of the Ranges section. It will open the wizard below.
ECL-valued fields can be edited by clicking on the Edit button, which will open an ECL editor -, while other fields can be edited in place.