The tree at the bottom left quadrant of the editor represents all the allowed attributes for the current domain selection. If the current domain selection has parent domains the attribute members connected to that domain are also listed here. The attributes explicitly assigned to the selected domain are shown in bold to distinguish these from those inherited from the parent domain.
The attributes in the tree are arranged by their relative relationship within the SNOMED CT tree.
Selecting a node displays its details on the right side of the editor in the Attribute tab.
The third field allows you to specify if this attribute is meant to be in a relationship group.
The attribute cardinality fields allow you to set the overall cardinality limits for this attribute on a concept while the in-group cardinality fields allow you to set cardinality limits applicable per relationship group. Note that Attribute in-group cardinality can only be applied if the attribute is grouped.
The Rule strength and Content type can be specified as well. These fields are auto-filled with the most common values.
Cardinality, rule strength, and content type settings serve as guidance and do not factor into validation.
The grouped setting will affect the OWL axiom members of concepts that use this attribute.
You can only remove/inactivate members if they are in your extension's module.
If you choose to remove an attribute domain member with associated attribute range members the range members will be removed as well, as long as they are in your extension's module.
The attribute members in your extension can also be modified on the details page on the right under the Attribute tab.
You can add a new attribute member by using the Create new attribute rule button in the top right corner of the Attributes section. It will open the wizard below. The first field will let you choose the referenced component of the MRCM attribute domain member. It is limited to concepts within the attribute hierarchy. The second field is auto-populated with the current domain selection.
You can also add a new attribute member by right-clicking one of the nodes in the attribute tree and choosing Add new attribute member. Deleting a member is also accessible from the same context menu through the Delete attribute member action. Released members will be inactivated, unpublished members will be removed by this action.