Advanced Search



Filter for concepts based on their terms


Filter for active or inactive concepts


Return concepts that are associated with the selected module


Filter for concepts within the selected namespace


Return all child concepts of the selected concept

Semantic tag

Filter for concepts based on their semantic tags

Active member of

Filter for concepts that are present in the selected resource

Definition status

Return either Defined or Primitive concepts only

Description type

Return Fully Specified Name, Synonym, or Definition only

Effective time

Search concepts by their release dates Note: time range can also be specified

The filters above are mostly dropdowns, while the ECL filter requires typing in a valid query. A content assist, which can be activated by pressing Ctrl + Space , helps users to construct ECL queries easily.

Active members of a resource will only be detected correctly after the resource is synchronized, i.e. it is either released or exported to RF2.

Search results

In case of SNOMED CT, the matching search results can be sorted based on semantic tags serving as a sort of a grouping for better overview.