Manage Code Systems

To manage the UMLS code systems, there are a few utility commands that can be invoked from the console:

osgi> snowowl umls

Provides commands to manage UMLS content

umls [COMMAND]


Provides commands to manage UMLS content.
  help     Displays help information about the specified command
  import   Imports UMLS content
  catalog  Lists UMLS code systems
  list     Lists UMLS imported code systems
  delete   Deletes a UMLS code system

The archive prepared by the NLM MetamorphoSys tooling can be imported both from the client user interface as well as from the Snow Owl server console. To import from the server console, use the import command as the following example:

osgi>snowowl umls import "F:/Development/terminology_sources/umls/" ICD9CM AOT

To import from the Snow Owl thick client select the File > Import > UMLS from archive menu.

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