Mapping Set Editor
Double-click a Mapping Set in the view to open the Mapping Set Editor. The editor consists of two pages: Members and Properties.
Members tab
By default, the following information is displayed in the columns on the Members Page.
Source code system name
Refers to the terminology or Local Code System that was used as the map source.
Source code
The code used in the source terminology or Local Code System.
Source term
The name of the source code.
Target code system name
Refers to the terminology or Local Code System that was used as the map target.
Target code
Code used in the target terminology or Local Code System.
Target term
The name of the target code.
Any comments can be added to the mappings
Summary Section
Besides the table with the main content, a Summary Section also provides useful information such as the number of mapped members or that of unmapped members.
Member Filter
A filter bar enables narrowing down the displayed members based on the entered search term. You can search for terms, IDs, or even member IDs using the search filter.
Target Code System Filter
In case of mapping source codes to target codes from multiple different Code Systems, the Target Code System filter allows you to restrict the mappings to one Target Code System, providing a better overview of the members. When clicking in the filter bar, the default Quick Search widget displays ten options.
These can be expanded with the Ctrl+4
shortcut to show more or alternatively, you can search for a specific Target Code System using the search functionality of the filter.
The filter also provides two special options: UNMAPPED
. The former filters for mappings without a target, while the latter lists mappings where the Target Code System is one that is not available in Snow Owl.
These two options are always displayed in the default Quick Search widget. The rest of the displayed Target Code Systems are listed in alphabetic order.
You can set the table preferences of the Mapping Set Editor to display or hide columns. The following information can also be displayed in the editor:
Effective time
Date when mapping was published.
Displays if a mapping is active or inactive.
Represents the correlation between the source and the target (e.g. exact match, partial overlap).
An integer, grouping a set of complex map records from which one may be selected as a target code.
A machine-readable rule, that indicates whether this map record should be selected within its map group.
Human-readable advice, to give users advice on selection of the appropriate target code from the alternatives presented to him within the group.
Source code system name
Name of the source terminology or Local Code System.
Source code system version
Version of the source terminology or Local Code System.
Target code system name
Name of the target terminology or Local Code System.
Target code system version
Version of the target terminology or Local Code System.
You can sort the content by clicking on the header of the column.
Double-clicking a member opens the respective editor of the source component.
Context Menu option
Selected row/s can be copied and pasted to somewhere else.
Open target concept
Opens the respective editor of the target component.
Removes the selected member(s) – both the target and the source component.
Changes the status of the selected members to inactive.
Deletes only the target concept, but not the source.
If a term of a concept was modified term can be refresh in the Mapping Set.
Table Preferences
Mapping Set tables in the editors can be configured to display only the columns and content that are relevant for a user. To customize the editor table go to Snow Owl > Editors > Mapping Set Editor
Properties Page
The Properties Page displays information about the Mapping Set. Name, definition, and source are mandatory properties that need to be specified when creating a Mapping Set. Additional information about the Mapping Set (e.g. definition) can be entered or modified here.
The name of the Mapping Set.
Text definition describing how concepts in the Mapping Set were selected.
Brief description of the general purpose of the Mapping Set.
Active, or inactive.
Source of the Mapping Set, identifying the originator or publisher of the information.
Source URI
URL or document URI that provides further details regarding the Mapping Set.
Target Domain
Information about the target.
Additional information can be entered here.
Last updated