Descriptions Page

The Description Page shows information about the descriptions associated with the selected concept such as:




(e.g. Fully Specified Name, Synonym)


Description text, i.e. clinical phrase itself


Active or inactive

Effective time

Publication date of the description or unpublished

Language code

Description language

Case significance

Case sensitivity of the description

Module ID

The module that this description is in


Unique identifier of the description


You can add, modify, delete and inactivate descriptions on this page of the editor.

You can add descriptions using the button in the top right corner of the page.

The button deletes the description if it was not already present in versioned content, otherwise, the description is inactivated.

The Description Inactivation Wizard allows you to select the Language Reference Set members that should be inactivated with the description, the inactivation reason as well as a target component, if a member should also be created in the appropriate Historical Association Reference Set.

In accordance with SNOMED International rules, you are only allowed to change the case significance, the status, and the module of a description.

Module and case significance can be edited by selecting a description in the table and clicking on the cell you would like to change. Doing so reveals a drop-down where you can select the new value from a pre-defined set of concepts.

Clicking in the table cell displaying the current case significance allows you to change it using the button, which displays the same style of concept picker:

Editing of descriptions is also possible on the Overview Page.

Inactive Descriptions

Inactive descriptions can be hidden or revealed by toggling the Show inactive descriptions button.

Last updated