Spin up the service

Full list of steps to perform before spinning up the service:

  1. Extract the Terminology Server release archive to a folder. E.g. /opt/snow-owl

  2. (Optional) Obtain an SSL certificate

    1. Make sure a DNS A record is routed to the host's public IP address

    2. Go into the folder ./snow-owl/docker/cert

    3. Execute the ./init-certificate.sh script:

    ./init-certificate.sh -d snow-owl.example.com

  3. (Optional) Configure access for managed Elasticsearch Cluster (elastic.co)

  4. (Optional) Extract dataset to ./snow-owl/resources where folder structure should look like ./snow-owl/resources/indexes/nodes/0 at the end.

  5. Verify file ownership to be UID=1000 and GID=0:

    chmod -R 1000:0 ./snow-owl/docker ./snow-owl/logs ./snow-owl/resources
  6. Check any credentials or settings that need to be changed in ./snow-owl/docker/.env

  7. Authenticate with our private docker registry while in the folder ./snow-owl/docker:

    cat docker_login.txt | docker login -u <username> --password-stdin https://docker.b2i.sg
  8. Issue a pull (in folder ./snow-owl/docker)

    docker-compose pull
  9. Spin up the service (in the folder ./snow-owl/docker)

    docker-compose up -d
  10. Verify that the REST API of the Terminology Server is available at:

    1. With SSL: https://snow-owl.example.com/snowowl

    2. Without SSL: http://hostname:8080/snowowl

  11. Verify that the server and cluster status is GREEN by querying the following REST API endpoint:

    1. With SSL:

      curl https://snow-owl.example.com/snowowl/info
    2. Without SSL:

      curl http://hostname:8080/snowowl/info
  12. Enjoy using the Snow Owl Terminology Server 🎉

Last updated