This section describes the use case scenarios present in the world of SNOMED CT and how Snow Owl can be used in those scenarios to maximize its full potential. Each scenario comes with a summary and a pros/cons section to help your decision making process when selecting the appropriate scenario for your use case.
The most common use case to consume a SNOMED CT Release Package is to import it directly into a Terminology Server (like Snow Owl) and make it available as read-only content for both human and machine access (via REST and FHIR APIs).
Since Snow Owl by default comes with a pre-initialized SNOMED CT Code System called SNOMEDCT
, it is just a single call to import the official RF2 package using the SNOMED CT RF2 Import API The import by default creates a Code System Version for each SNOMED CT Effective Date available in the supplied RF2 package. After a successful import the content is immediately available via REST and FHIR APIs.
National Release Centers and other Care Providers provide their own SNOMED CT Edition distribution for third-party consumers in RF2 format. Importing their Edition distribution instead of the International Edition directly into the SNOMEDCT
pre-initialized SNOMED CT Code System with the same SNOMED CT RF2 Import API makes both the International Edition (always included in Edition packages) and the National Extension available for read-only access.
The single edition scenario without much effort provides access to any SNOMED CT Edition directly on the pre-initialized SNOMEDCT
Code System. It is easy to set up and maintain. Because of its flat structure, it is good for distribution and extension consumers. Although it can be used for authoring in certain scenarios, due to the missing distinction between the International Edition and the Extension, it is not the best choice for extension authoring and maintenance.
This scenario can be further extended to support multiple simultaneous Edition releases living on their own dedicated SNOMED CT Code Systems. The Root SNOMEDCT
Code System in this case is empty and only serves the purpose of creating other Code Systems "underneath" it. Each SNOMED CT Code System is then imported into its own dedicated branch forming a star-like branch structure at the end (zero-length MAIN
branch and content branches). This is useful in distribution scenarios, where multiple Extension Code Systems need to be maintained with their own dedicated set of dependencies and there is no time to set up the proper Extension Scenario (see next section). The only drawback of this setup is the potentially high usage of disk space due to the overlap between the various Editions imported into their own Code Systems (since each of them contains the entire International Release).
Good for maintaining the SNOMED CT International Edition
Good for distribution
Simple to set up and maintain
Not recommended for extension authoring and maintenance
Not recommended for multi-extension distribution scenarios
A typical extension scenario is the development of the extension itself. Whether you are starting your extension from scratch or already have a well-developed version that you need to maintain, the first choice you need to make is to identify the dependencies of your SNOMED CT Extension.
If your Extension extends the SNOMED CT International Edition directly, then you need to pick one of the available International Edition versions:
If you are starting from scratch, it is always recommended to select the latest International Release as the starting point of your Extension.
If you have an existing Extension then you probably already know the International Release version your Extension depends on.
When you have identified the version you need to depend on then you need to import that version (or a later release packages that also includes that version in its FULL RF2 package) first into Snow Owl. Make sure that the createVersion
feature of the RF2 import process is enabled, so it will automatically create the versions for each imported RF2 effectiveTime
After you have successfully imported all dependencies into Snow Owl, the next step is to create a Code System that represents your SNOMED CT Extension (see ). When creating the Code System, besides specifying the namespace and optional modules and languages, you need to enter a Code System shortName
, which will serve as the unique identifier of your Extension and select the extensionOf
value, which represents the dependency of the Code System.
After you have successfully created the Code System representing your Extension, you can import any existing content from a most recent release or start from scratch by creating the module concept of your extension.
If your Extension needs to extend another Extension and not the International Edition itself, then you need to identify the version you'd like to depend on in that Extension (that indirectly will select the International Edition dependency as well). When you have identified all required versions, then starting from the International Edition recursively traverse back and repeat the RF2 Import and Code System creation steps described in the previous section until you have finally imported your extension. In the end your extension might look like this, depending on how many Extensions you are depending on.
Excellent for authoring and maintenance
Good for distribution
Harder to set up the initial deployment
RF2 releases tend to have content issues with the International Edition itself or refer to missing content when you try to import them into Snow Owl via the RF2 Import API. For this reason, the recommended way is to always use the most recent Snapshot RF2 release of a SNOMED CT Extension to form its first representation in Snow Owl. That has a high probability of success without any missing component dependency errors during import. If you are having trouble importing an RF2 Release Package into Snow Owl, feel free to raise a question on our page.
Setting up a Snow Owl deployment like this is not an easy task. It requires a thorough understanding of each SNOMED CT Extension you'd like to import and their dependencies as well. However, after the initial setup, the maintenance of your Extension becomes straightforward, thanks to the clear distinction from the International Edition and from its other dependencies. The release process is easier and you can choose to publish your Extension as an extension only release, or as an Edition or both (see ). Additionally, when a new version is available in one of the dependencies, you will be able to upgrade your Extension with the help of automated validation rules and upgrade processes (see ). From the distribution perspective, this scenario shines when you need to maintain multiple Extensions/Editions in a single deployment.
On top of single Edition/Extension distribution and authoring, Snow Owl provides full support for multi-SNOMED CT distribution and authoring even if the Extensions depend on different versions of the SNOMED CT International Edition.
To achieve a deployment like this you need to perform the same initialization steps for each desired SNOMED CT Extension as if it were a single extension scenario (see single extension). Development and maintenance of each managed extension can happen in parallel without affecting one or the other. Each of them can have their own release cycles, maintenance and upgrade schedules, and so on.
After you have initialized your Snow Owl instance with the Extensions you'd like to maintain the next steps are:
Maintenance of a SNOMED CT Extension is essential to ensure that
it incorporates changes requested by terminology consumers
it remains aligned with the SNOMED CT International Edition
While both of these maintenance related tasks are potentially assigned to one of the upcoming Extension development cycles, there is a clear distinction between the two maintenance tasks.
See additional Extension maintenance related material in the official .
Changes requested by your terminology consumers are typically content authoring tasks that you would assign to an Extension authoring team. They usually come with a well-described problem you need to address in the terminology as you would do in the usual development cycle.
See the section on how you can address change requests and incorporate them as regular tasks into the main version of your Extension.
Aligning content to the SNOMED CT International Edition is one of the main responsibilities of an Extension maintainer. However, keeping up with the changes introduced in SNOMED CT International Edition biannually (on January 31st and July 31st) can be an overwhelming task, especially if:
you are under pressure from your terminology consumers to make the requested changes ASAP, especially in mission critical scenarios.
the changes introduced in the International Edition are conflicting with your local changes and/or causing maintenance related issues after the upgrade.
To address SNOMED CT International Edition upgrade tasks in a reliable and reproducible way, Snow Owl offers an upgrade flow for SNOMED CT Extensions.
A Code System upgrade in Snow Owl is a complex workflow with states and steps. The workflow involves a special Upgrade Code System, a series of automated migration processes and validation rules to ensure the quality and reliability of the operation. The upgrade can be done quickly if there were no conflicts between the Extension and the International Edition. However, updates can also be a long-running process spanning over many months when significant structural changes (e.g. in substances, anatomy, or modeling approach) are made in the International Edition.
In Snow Owl, SNOMED CT Extension are linked to their SNOMED CT dependency with the extensionOf
property. This property describes the International Edition and its version that the Extension depends on. For example, the SNOMEDCT/2019-07-31
value specifies that our Extension depends on the 2019-07-31 version of the International Edition.
Extension upgrades can be started when there is a new version available in the Extension/Edition we have selected as our dependency in the extensionOf
property. When fetching a SNOMED CT Code System via the Code System API, Snow Owl will check if there are any upgrades availables and return them in the availableUpdates
array property. If there are no upgrades available the array will be empty.
When the upgrade is started, Snow Owl creates a special <codeSystemId>-UP-<newExtensionOf>
) Code System to allow authors and the automated processes to migrate the latest development version of the Extension to the new dependency.
Regular daily Extension development tasks still need to be resolved and pushed somewhere in order to continue the development of the Extension, even if an upgrade process is in progress. Each Extension still has an active development version, even if an upgrade is in progress, which can be used to push daily maintenance changes and business as usual tasks.
Changes pushed to the development area will regularly need to be synced with the upgrade until the upgrade completes, so the upgrade team will be able to resolve all remaining conflicts and issues.
Upgrade Checks ensure the quality of the upgrade process and execute certain tasks/checks automatically. An Upgrade Check can be any logic or function to be run during the upgrade. Upgrade Checks can access the underlying upgrade Code System's content and report any issues (validation rules) or fix content automatically (migration rules). For example, a validation rule (like Active relationships must have active source, type, destination references
) can be executed after each change pushed to the upgrade branch to verify whether there is any potentially invalid relationship left to fix or you are ready to go.
Once the upgrade authoring team is done with the necessary changes to align the Extension with the new International Edition and all the checks are completed successfully the upgrade can be completed. Completing the upgrade performs the following steps:
Creates a <codeSystemId>-DO-<previousExtensionOf>
Code System to refer to the previous state of the Extension
Changes the current working branch of the Extension Code System to the branch that was used during the upgrade process
Deletes the <codeSystemId>-UP-<newExtensionOf>
Code System, which marks the upgrade complete, and the upgrade itself cannot be accessed anymore.
To start an Extension upgrade to a newer International Edition (or to a newer Extension dependency version), you can use the . The only thing that needs to be specified there is the desired new version of the Extension's extensionOf
The Snow Owl Terminology Server is capable of managing multiple SNOMED CT editions and/or extensions for both distribution and authoring purposes in a single deployment. This guide describes the typical scenarios, like creating, managing, releasing and upgrading SNOMED CT Extensions in great detail with images. If you are unfamiliar with SNOMED CT Extensions, the next section walks you through their logical model and basic characteristics, while the following pages describe distribution and authoring scenarios as well as how to use the Snow Owl Terminology Server for SNOMED CT Extensions.
The official SNOMED CT Extension Practical Guide has been used to help produce the content available on this page: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/DOCEXTPG
SNOMED CT is a multilingual clinical terminology that covers a broad scope. However, some users may need additional concepts, relationships, descriptions or reference sets to support national, local or organizational needs.
The extension mechanism allows SNOMED CT to be customized to address the terminology needs of a country or organization that are not met by the International Edition.
A SNOMED CT Extension may contain components and/or derivatives (e.g. reference sets used to represent subsets, maps or language preferences). Since the international edition and all extensions share a common structure, the same application software can be used to enter, store and process information from different extensions. Similarly, reference sets can be constructed to refer to content from both the international release and extensions. The common structure also makes it easier for content developed by an extension producer to be submitted for possible inclusion in a National Edition or the International Edition.
Therefore, a SNOMED CT Extension uses the same Release Format version 2 as the International Edition, they share a common structure and schema (see Release Format 2 specification).
Extensions are managed by SNOMED International, and Members or Affiliate Licensees who have been issued a namespace identifier by SNOMED International. A namespace identifier is used to create globally unique SNOMED CT identifiers for each component (i.e. concept, description and relationship) within a Member or Affiliate extension. This ensures that references to extension concepts contained in health record data are unambiguous and can be clearly attributed to a specific issuing organization.
A national or local extension uses a namespace identifier issued by SNOMED International to ensure that all extension components can be uniquely identified (across all extensions).
Therefore, a SNOMED CT Extension uses a single namespace identifier to identify all core components in the SNOMED CT Extension (see Namespace identifier).
Every SNOMED CT Extension includes one or more modules, and each module contains either SNOMED CT components or reference sets (or both). Modules may be dependent on other modules. A SNOMED CT Edition includes the contents of a focus module together with the contents of all the modules on which it depends. This includes the modules in the International Edition and possibly other modules from a national and/or local extension.
An edition is defined based on a single focus module. This focus module must be the most dependent module, in that the focus module is dependent on all the other modules in the edition.
Therefore, a SNOMED CT Extension uses one or more modules to categorize the components into meaningful groups (see Modules).
SNOMED CT extensions can support a variety of use cases, including:
Translating SNOMED CT, for example
Adding terms used in a local language or dialect
Adding terms used by a specific user group, such as patient-friendly terms
Representing language, dialect or specialty-specific term preferences is possible using a SNOMED CT extension. The logical design of SNOMED CT enables a single clinical idea to be associated with a range of terms or phrases from various languages, as depicted in Figure 3.1-1 below. In an extension, terms relevant for a particular country, speciality, hospital (or other organization) may be created, and different options for term preferences may be specified. Even within the same country, different regional dialects or specialty-specific languages exist may influence which synonyms are preferred. SNOMED CT supports this level of granularity for language preferences at the national or local level.
Therefore, an Extension can have its own language to support patient-friendly terms, local user groups, etc. (see Purpose).
A SNOMED CT extension is a set of components and reference set members that add to the SNOMED CT International Edition. An extension is created, structured, maintained and distributed in accordance with SNOMED CT specifications and guidelines. Unlike, the International Edition an extension is not a standalone terminology. The content in an extension depends on the SNOMED CT International Edition, and must be used together with the International Edition and any other extension module on which it depends.
Therefore, a SNOMED CT Extension depends on the SNOMED CT International Edition directly or indirectly through another SNOMED CT Extension (see Extensions).
A specific version of an extension can be referred to using the date on which the extension was published.
There are many use cases that require a date specific version of an edition, including specifying the substrate of a SNOMED CT query, and specifying the version of SNOMED CT used to code a specific data element in a health record. A versioned edition includes the contents of the specified version of the focus module, plus the contents of all versioned modules on which the versioned focus module depends (as specified in the |Module dependency reference set|). The version of an edition is based on the date on which the edition was released. Many extension providers release their extensions as a versioned edition, using regular and predictable release cycles.
Therefore, a SNOMED CT Extension can be versioned and have a different release cycle than the SNOMED CT International Edition (see Versions).
To summarize, a SNOMED CT Extension has the following characteristics:
Uses the same RF2 structure as the SNOMED CT International Edition
Uses a single namespace identifier to globally identify its content
Uses one or more modules to categorize the content into groups
Uses one or more languages to support specific user groups and patient-friendly terms
Depends on the SNOMED CT International Edition
Uses versions (effective times) to identify its content across multiple releases
Now that we have a clear understanding of what SNOMED CT Extensions are, let's take a look at how can we use them in Snow Owl.
Snow Owl is a multi-purpose terminology server with a main focus on SNOMED CT International Edition and its Extensions. Whether you are a producer of a SNOMED CT Extension or a consumer of one, Snow Owl has you covered. As always, feel free to ask your questions regarding any of the content you read here (raise a ticket on GitHub Issues).
Snow Owl uses the following basic concepts to provide authoring and maintenance support for SNOMED CT Extensions.
From the getting started page, we've learned what is a Repository and how Code Systems are defined as part of a Repository.
Reminder: A repository is a set of schemas and functionality to provide support for a dedicated set of Code Systems, eg. the SNOMED CT Repository stores all SNOMED CT related components under revision control and provides quick access). A Repository can contain one or more Code Systems and by default always comes with one predefined Code System, the root Code System (in the case of SNOMED CT, this often represents the International Edition).
SNOMED CT Extensions in Snow Owl are Code Systems with their own set of properties and characteristics. With Snow Owl's Code System API, a Code System can be created for each SNOMED CT Extension to easily identify the Code System and its components with a single unique identifier, called the Code System short name. The recommended naming approach when selecting the unique short name identifier is the following:
SNOMED CT International Edition: SNOMEDCT
- often included in other editions for distribution purposes
National Release Center (single maintained extension) - SNOMEDCT-US
- represents the SNOMED CT United States of America Extension
National Release Center (multiple maintained extensions) - SNOMEDCT-UK-CL
- United Kingdom Clinical and Drug Extensions, respectively
Care Provider with a special extension based on a national extension - SNOMEDCT-US-UNMC
- University of Nebraska Medical Center's extension builds on top of the SNOMEDCT-US
The primary namespace identifier and set of modules and languages can be set during the creation of the Code System, and can be updated later on if required. These properties can be used when users are accessing the terminology server for authoring purposes to provide a seamless authoring experience for the user without them needing to worry about selecting the proper namespace, modules, language tags, etc. (NOTE: this feature is not available yet in the OSS version of Snow Owl)
A Snow Owl Code System can be marked as an extensionOf
another Code System, which ties them together, forming a dependency between the two Code Systems. A Code System can have multiple Extension Code Systems, but a Code System can only be extensionOf
a single Code System.
In Snow Owl, a Repository maintains a set of branches, and Code Systems are always attached to a dedicated branch. For example, the default root Code Systems are always tied to the default branch, called MAIN
. When creating a new Code System, the "working" branchPath
can be specified and doing so assigns the branch to the Code System. A Code System cannot be attached to multiple branches at the same time, and a branch can only be assigned to a single Code System in a Repository. Snow Owl's branching infrastructure allows the use of isolated environments for both distribution and authoring workflows, therefore they play a crucial role in SNOMED CT Extension management as well. They also provide the support for seamless upgrade mechanism, which can be done whenever there is a new version available in one of your SNOMED CT Extension's dependent Code Systems.
As in real life, a Code System can have zero or more versions (or with another name, releases). A version is a special branch that is created during the versioning process and makes the currently available latest content accessible later in its current form. Since SNOMED CT Extensions can have releases as well, creating a Code System Version in Snow Owl is a must to produce the release packages.
The following image shows the repository content rendered from the available commits, after a successful International Edition import.
Dots represent commits made with the commit message on the right. Green boxes represent where the associated branch's HEAD
is currently located. Blue tag labels represent versions created during the commit.
If your use case would be to import the SNOMED CT US Extension 2019-09-01 version into this repository, then ideally it would look like this:
The next section describes the use case scenarios in the world of SNOMED CT and the recommended approaches for deploying these scenarios in Snow Owl.
When an Extension reaches the end of its current development cycle, it needs to be prepared for release and distribution.
All planned content changes that are still on their dedicated branch either need to be integrated with the main development version or removed from the scope of the next release.
After all development branches have been merged and integrated with the main work-in-progress version, the Extension needs to be prepared for release. This usually involves last minute fixes, running quality checks and validation rules and generating the final necessary normal form of the Extension.
When all necessary steps have been performed successfully, a new Code System Version needs to be created in Snow Owl to represent the latest release. The versioning process will assign the requested effectiveTime
to all unpublished components, update the necessary Metadata reference sets (like the Module Dependency Reference Set) and finally create a version branch to reference this release later.
After a successful release, an RF2 Release Package needs to be generated for downstream consumers of your Extension. Snow Owl can generate this final RF2 Release Packages for the newly released version via the RF2 Export API.
Authoring is the process by which content is created in an extension in accordance with a set of authoring principles. These principles ensure the quality of content and referential integrity between content in the extension and content in the International Edition (the principles are set by SNOMED International, can be found ).
During the extension development process authors are:
creating, modifying or inactivating content according to editorial principles and policies
running validation processes to verify the quality and integrity of their Extension
classifying their authored content with an OWL Reasoner to produce its distribution normal form
The authors directly (via the available REST and FHIR APIs) or indirectly (via user interfaces, scripts, etc.) work with the Snow Owl Terminology Server to make the necessary changes for the next planned Extension release.
Authors often require a dedicated editing environment where they can make the necessary changes and let others review the changes they have made, so errors and issues can be corrected before integrating the change with the rest of the Extension. Similarly to how SNOMED CT Extensions are separated from the SNOMED CT International Edition and other dependencies, this can be achieved by using branches.
- to create and merge branches
- to compare branches
To let authors make the necessary changes they need, Snow Owl offers the following SNOMED CT component endpoints to work with:
Description API - to create and edit SNOMED CT Descriptions
Relationship API - to create and edit SNOMED CT Relationships
Reference Set API - to create and edit SNOMED CT Reference Sets
Reference Set Member API - to create and edit SNOMED CT Reference Set Members
To verify quality and integrity of the changes they have made, authors often generate reports and make further fixes according to the received responses. In Snow Owl, reports and rules can be represented with validation queries and scripts.
Validation API - to run validation rules and fetch their reported issues on a per branch basis
Last but not least, authors run an OWL Reasoner to classify their changes and generate the necessary normal form of their Extension. The Classification API provides support for running these reasoner instances and generating the necessary normal form.
- to create and edit SNOMED CT Concepts