
ValueSet API

The endpoints /ValueSet and /ValueSet/{valueSetId} and corresponding operations expose all Value Set resources stored (or implict Value Sets if the corresponding Value Set plug-in supports it) in the server. CUD operations are not supported.


All value sets accessible via the /ValueSet endpoints can be expanded.

For SNOMED CT URIs, implicit value sets are supported:

  • ?fhir_vs - all Concept IDs in the edition/version. If the base URI is, this means all possible SNOMED CT concepts

  • ?fhir_vs=isa/[sctid] - all concept IDs that are subsumed by the specified Concept.

  • ?fhir_vs=refset - all concept ids that correspond to real references sets defined in the specified SNOMED CT edition

  • ?fhir_vs=refset/[sctid] - all concept IDs in the specified reference set

The following in-parameters are supported:

  • activeOnly - to return only active codes in the response

  • filter - to filter the results lexically

  • displayLanguage - to select the language for the returned display values

  • includeDesignations - whether to include all designations or not in the returned response

  • count - to select the number of codes to be returned in the expansion

  • after - to select codes to be returned after this last page value (cursor)


Codes can be validated against a given Value Set specified by the value set's logical id or canonical URL. In terms of Snow Owl terminology components, codes are validated against:

  • SNOMED CT Simple Type Reference Sets with Concepts as referenced components.

  • SNOMED CT Query Type Reference Sets with ECL expressions (each member is a Value Set)

  • Snow Owl's generic Value Sets

Validation performs the following checks:

  • The existence of the given Value Set (error if not found)

  • The existence of the reference in the existing Value Set to the given code (error if not found)

  • The existence of the given code in the system (error if not found)

  • Potential version mismatch (_error if the reference points to a version that is different to the code's version)

  • The status of the given code and reference (warning if code is inactive while reference is active)

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