Installing Snow Owl with Debian Package
The Debian package for Snow Owl can be downloaded from the Downloads section. It can be used to install Snow Owl on any Debian-based system such as Debian and Ubuntu.
Download and install
Running Snow Owl with SysV init
Use the update-rc.d command to configure Snow Owl to start automatically when the system boots up:
Snow Owl can be started and stopped using the service command:
If Snow Owl fails to start for any reason, it will print the reason for failure to STDOUT. Log files can be found in /var/log/snowowl/
Running Snow Owl with systemd
To configure Snow Owl to start automatically when the system boots up, run the following commands:
Snow Owl can be started and stopped as follows:
These commands provide no feedback as to whether Snow Owl was started successfully or not. Instead, this information will be written in the log files located in /var/log/snowowl/
Checking that Snow Owl is running
You can test that your Snow Owl instance is running by sending an HTTP request to:
which should give you a response something like this:
Configuring Snow Owl
Snow Owl defaults to using /etc/snowowl
for runtime configuration. The ownership of this directory and all files in this directory are set to root:snowowl
on package installation and the directory has the setgid
flag set so that any files and subdirectories created under /etc/snowowl
are created with this ownership as well (e.g., if a keystore is created using the keystore tool). It is expected that this be maintained so that the Snow Owl process can read the files under this directory via the group permissions.
Snow Owl loads its configuration from the /etc/snowowl/snowowl.yml
file by default. The format of this config file is explained in Configuring Snow Owl.
NOTE: Distributions that use systemd
require that system resource limits be configured via systemd
rather than via the /etc/sysconfig/snowowl
Directory layout of Debian package
The Debian package places config files, logs, and the data directory in the appropriate locations for a Debian-based system:
Snow Owl home directory or $SO_HOME
Binary scripts including startup/shutdown to start/stop the instance
Configuration files including snowowl.yml
The location of the data files and resources.
Log files location.
Next steps
You now have a test Snow Owl environment set up. Before you start serious development or go into production with Snow Owl, you must do some additional setup:
Learn how to configure Snow Owl.
Configure important Snow Owl settings.
Configure important system settings.
Last updated