
To import to whitelist, go to File > Import > Snow Owl > Whitelist form a dsv file, and click Next.

Browse for the import file and select one of the following import options:

  • Clear existing database and import into empty database: This overwrites the existing whitelist content; all existing components will be removed. You should also use this option when importing into an empty database.

  • Replace attributes of found components in database: This adds new content to the existing database without removing or changing existing content. For whitelisted components that have been present before the import, the label, reporter and created at values will be updated.

The whitelist import source file should be a tab-delimited .text file with three columns:

RULE_ID| the ruleID of the rule from which the component is excepted. SCT_ID | the component ID to be whitelisted. DETAILS| additional information – may be left empty.

Whitelisted component label

The Whitelists View displays the label of each whitelisted component. The labels are calculated during the whitelist import process, or in case of manual additions, during the validation process before the component is added to the whitelist.

Last updated