Comparison for current terminology changes committed to a source or target branch can be conducted by creating a compare resource.
A review identifier can be added to merge requests as an optional property. If the source or target branch state is different from the values captured when creating the review, the merge/rebase attempt will be rejected. This can happen, for example, when additional commits are added to the source or the target branch while a review is in progress; the review resource state becomes STALE in such cases.
Reviews and concept change sets have a limited lifetime. CURRENT reviews are kept for 15 minutes, while review objects in any other states are valid for 5 minutes by default. The values can be changed in the server's configuration file.
Terminology components (and in fact any content) can be read from any point in time by using the special path expression: {branch}@{timestamp}
. To get the state of a SNOMED CT Concept from the previous comparison on the compareBranch
at the returned compareHeadTimestamp
, you can use the following request:
To get the state of the same SNOMED CT Concept but on the base branch, you can use the following request:
Additionally, if required to compute what's changed on the component since the creation of the task, it is possible to get back the base version of the changed component by using another special path expression: {branch}^
These characters are not URL safe characters, thus they must be encoded before sending the HTTP request.
This describes the resources that make up the official Snow Owl® RESTful API.
Custom media types are used in the API to let consumers choose the format of the data they wish to receive. This is done by adding one of the following types to the Accept header when you make a request. Media types are specific to resources, allowing them to change independently and support formats that other resources don’t.
The most basic media types the API supports are:
application/json;charset=UTF-8 (default)
application/octet-stream (for file downloads)
multipart/form-data (for file uploads)
The generic JSON media type (application/json) is available as well, but we encourage you to explicitly set the accepted content type before sending your request.
All data is sent and received as JSON. Blank fields are omitted instead of being included as null
All non-effective time timestamps are returned in ISO 8601 format:
Effective Time values are sent and received in short format:
All POST requests return Location
headers pointing to the created resource instead of including either the identifier or the entire created resource in the response body. These are meant to provide explicit URLs so that proper API clients don’t need to construct URLs on their own. It is highly recommended that API clients use these. Doing so will make future upgrades of the API easier for developers. All URLs are expected to be proper RFC 6570 URI
Example Location Header:
Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 50
items by default. You can request further pages with the searchAfter
query parameter.
Where applicable, the expand
query parameter will include nested objects in the response, to avoid having to issue multiple requests to the server.
Expanded properties should be followed by parentheses and separated by commas; any options for the expanded property should be given within the parentheses, including properties to expand. Typical values for parameters are given in the "Implementation Notes" section of each endpoint.
There are three possible types of client errors on API calls that receive request bodies:
In certain circumstances, Snow Owl might fail to process and respond to a request and responds with a 500 Internal Server Error
To troubleshoot these please examine the log files at {SERVER_HOME}/serviceability/logs/log.log
and/or raise an issue on GitHub.
Detailed API documentation is coming soon! Until then we recommend to check out the official Swagger documentation available on your Snow Owl instance at .
Snow Owl provides branching support for terminology repositories. In each repository there is an always existing and UP_TO_DATE
branch called MAIN. The MAIN
branch represents the latest working version of your terminology (similar to a master
branch on GitHub).
You can create your own branches and create/edit/delete components and other resources on them. Branches are identified with their full path, which should always start with MAIN
. For example the branch MAIN/a/b/c/d
represents a branch under the parent MAIN/a/b/c
with name d
Later you can decide to either delete the branch or merge the branch back to its parent. To properly merge a branch back into its parent, sometimes it is required to rebase (synchronize) it first with its parent to get the latest changes. This can be decided via the state attribute of the branch, which represents the current state compared to its parent state.
There are five different branch states available:
UP_TO_DATE - the branch is up-to-date with its parent there are no changes neither on the branch or on its parent
FORWARD - the branch has at least one commit while the parent is still unchanged. Merging a branch requires this state, otherwise it will return a HTTP 409 Conflict.
BEHIND - the parent of the branch has at least one commit while the branch is still unchanged. The branch can be safely rebased with its parent.
DIVERGED - both parent and branch have at least one commit. The branch must be rebased first before it can be safely merged back to its parent.
STALE - the branch is no longer in relation with its former parent, and should be deleted.
Snow Owl supports merging of unrelated (STALE) branches. So branch MAIN/a
can be merged into MAIN/b
, there does not have to be a direct parent-child relationship between the two branches.
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) specifies resources, operations, coded data types and terminologies that are used for representing and communicating coded, structured data in the FHIR core specification within its Terminology Module.
Snow Owl's pluggable and extensible architecture allows modular development of the FHIR API both in terms of the supported functionality as well as the exposed terminologies. Additionally, Snow Owl's revision-based model allows the concurrent management of multiple versions.
The Snow Owl terminology server's FHIR API release includes support for the following resources:
Snow Owl's repository is a fully-fledged revision control system with branches, versions and revisions. Snow Owl's terminology artefact versions are exposed as FHIR versions for every supported code system with the exception of SNOMED CT where the standard SNOMED CT URI specification governs the format (short date) of the version. If there is no version specified in a request, the last version is assumed. If there is no version in the system, the last state (head of MAIN) is considered.
The supported search result filters:
The supported search parameters:
Sorting and paging are not yet supported.
Globally unique logical URIs that represent a terminology resource. For code systems these are:
For SNOMED CT, Snow Owl's FHIR implementation follows the SNOMED CT URI Standard.
For ICD-10, Snow Owl's FHIR implementation follows the HL7 FHIR Specification.
Snow Owl's Local Code Systems (LCS) identified by the URI that is based on the Organization Link property stored within Snow Owl's Terminology Registry and the Short Name of the LCS e.g.: https://b2i.sg/MyLocalCodeSystem.
The id field of each terminology resource is assigned by our terminology server and is unique within Snow Owl. Once is has been assigned, the id never changes. For this logical identifier, Snow Owl follows the pattern:
For example to identify a particular LOINC code system with the version tag 20180131:
For example to address a particular SNOMED CT concept (Blood bank procedure):
59524001 represents the concept id
20140203 represents the extension version
DK represents the extension branch
20110131 represents the version of the International Edition the DK extension is based on
Our logical id has been extended to cover individual Reference Set members as well:
98403008 is the Reference Set ID
98484f56f72-9f8b-423d-98b8-25961811393c03008 is the reference set member
Snow Owl exposes a comprehensive REST API to support areas such as:
Syndication - content provisioning between servers or between the Snow Owl Authoring platform and servers
Administration (repository and revision control management)
SNOMED CT specific browsing and authoring API
Currently only JSON format is supported with UTF-8 encoding and content type of Content-Type = application/fhir+json;charset=utf-8
. In case of any errors during the processing the API responds with an OperationOutCome
within the response body using one of the HTTP status codes:
This describes the resources that make up the official Snow Owl® SNOMED CT Terminology API.
Swagger documentation available on your Snow Owl instance at .
SNOMED CT API endpoints currently have version v3. You have to explicitly set the version of the API via path parameter. For example:
This describes the resources that make up the official Snow Owl® CIS API.
Swagger documentation available on your Snow Owl instance at .
Code system
Prefixed with http://hl7.org/fhir
Prefixed with the organization link
Value Set
Prefixed with the source URI
Mapping Set
Prefixed with the source URI
HTTP Status
Bad Request
Not Found
Internal Error
The endpoints /ConceptMap
and /ConceptMap/{conceptMapId}
and corresponding operations expose the following types of terminology resources:
SNOMED CT Simple Map Reference Sets with Concepts as referenced components
SNOMED CT Complex Map Reference Sets
SNOMED CT Extended Map Reference Sets
Snow Owl's generic Mapping Sets
All concept map accessible via the /ConceptMap
endpoints are considered when retrieving mappings (translations). The translate request's source that designates the source value set cannot be interpreted hence not used. With the exception of SNOMED CT where the standard URI is expected, our proprietary short name or component ids are used to designate the source/target code system.
Simple Map Type Reference Set mappings are considered equivalent in terms of their correlation
The availability and format of target code systems are not guaranteed, there is an ongoing conversation at SNOMED CT International to rectify this.
Code systems maintained within Snow Owl are exposed (read-only) via the endpoints /CodeSystem
and /CodeSystem/{codeSystemId}
. Supported concept properties are handled and returned if requested. The currently exposed code systems are:
Snow Owl OSS:
Internal (FHIR) Code Systems (terminology subset)
Snow Owl Pro:
All standard and default SNOMED CT properties are supported, including the relationship type properties. In addition to the FHIR SNOMED CT properties, Snow Owl can return the effective time property, with the URI http://snomed.info/field/Concept.effectiveTime
Both GET as well as POST HTTP methods are supported. Concepts are queried based on code
, version
, system
or Coding
. Designations are included as part of the response as well as supported concept properties when requested. No date
parameter is supported.
For SNOMED CT, all common and SNOMED CT properties are supported, including all active relationship types.
Both GET as well as POST HTTP methods are supported. Subsumption testing is supported for ICD-10 and SNOMED CT terminologies.
The endpoints /ValueSet
and /ValueSet/{valueSetId}
and corresponding operations expose the following types of terminology resources:
SNOMED CT Simple Type Reference Sets with Concepts as referenced components.
SNOMED CT Query Type Reference Sets with ECL expressions (each member is a Value Set)
Snow Owl's generic Value Sets
and create
operations are not implemented.
All value sets accessible via the /ValueSet
endpoints can be expanded.
For SNOMED CT URIs, implicit value sets are supported:
?fhir_vs - all Concept IDs in the edition/version. If the base URI is , this means all possible SNOMED CT concepts
?fhir_vs=isa/[sctid] - all concept IDs that are subsumed by the specified Concept.
?fhir_vs=refset - all concept ids that correspond to real references sets defined in the specified SNOMED CT edition
?fhir_vs=refset/[sctid] - all concept IDs in the specified reference set
The in-parameters are not yet supported.
Codes can be validated against a given Value Set specified by the value set's logical id or canonical URL. In terms of Snow Owl terminology components, codes are validated against:
SNOMED CT Simple Type Reference Sets with Concepts as referenced components.
SNOMED CT Query Type Reference Sets with ECL expressions (each member is a Value Set)
Snow Owl's generic Value Sets
Validation performs the following checks:
The existence of the given Value Set (error if not found)
The existence of the reference in the existing Value Set to the given code (error if not found)
The existence of the given code in the system (error if not found)
Potential version mismatch (_error if the reference points to a version that is different to the code's version)
The status of the given code and reference (warning if code is inactive while reference is active)
For SNOMED CT URIs, implicit value sets are supported:
?fhir_vs=isa/[sctid] - all concept IDs that are subsumed by the specified Concept.
?fhir_vs=refset - all concept ids that correspond to real references sets defined in the specified SNOMED CT edition
?fhir_vs=refset/[sctid] - all concept IDs in the specified reference set
?fhir_vs - all Concept IDs in the edition/version. If the base URI is , this means all possible SNOMED CT concepts
Two categories make up Snow Owl's Reference Set API:
Reference Sets category to get, search, create and modify reference sets
Reference Set Members category to get, search, create and modify reference set members
Basic operations like create, update, delete are supported for both category.
On top of the basic operations, reference sets and members support actions. Actions have an action property to specify which action to execute, the rest of the JSON properties will be used as body for the Action.
Supported reference set actions are:
sync - synchronize all members of a query type reference set by executing their query and comparing the results with the current members of their referenced target reference set
Supported reference set member actions are:
create - create a reference set member (uses the same body as POST /members)
update - update a reference set member (uses the same body as PUT /members)
delete - delete a reference set member
sync - synchronize a single member by executing the query and comparing the results with the current members of the referenced target reference set
For example the following will sync a query type reference set member's referenced component with the result of the reevaluated member's ESCG query
Members list of a single reference set can be modified by using the following bulk-like update endpoint:
The request body should contain the commitComment property and a request array. The request array must contain actions (see Actions API) that are enabled for the given set of reference set members. Member create actions can omit the referenceSetId parameter, those will use the one defined as path parameter in the URL. For example by using this endpoint you can create, update and delete members of a reference set at once in one single commit.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!