Configuring a file realm

You can manage and authenticate users with the built-in file realm. All the data about the users for the file realm is stored in the users file. The file is located in SO_PATH_CONF and is read on startup.

You need to explicitly select the file realm in the snowowl.yml configuration file in order to use it for authentication.

    - file:
        name: users

In the above configuration the file realm is using the users file to read your users from. Each row in the file represents a username and password delimited by : character. The passwords are BCrypt encrypted hashes. The default users file comes with a default snowowl user with the default snowowl password.

Users Command

To simplify file realm configuration, the Snow Owl CLI comes with a command to add a user to the file realm (snowowl users add). See the command help manual (-h option) for further details.


The file security realm does NOT support the Authorization formats at the moment. If you are interested in configuring role-based access control for your users, it is recommended to switch to the LDAP security realm.

Last updated